
Sunday, 5 December 2021

Eyes right?

I have been dabbling with image making experiments, once again expressing my reactions to medical issues around declining faculties experienced during the ageing process. This time I am endeavouring to express some subtle and not so subtle changes in visual acuity that have come about by an eye stroke or technically termed a Central Retinal Vein Occlusion.

Apparently this causes a haemorrhaging of blood into the back of the eye that affects the retina and a loss of vision. So at the moment my sight in my left eye varies from 90% to 10% loss with blurring.

The images shown below are an attempt to describe those losses which may or may not become permanent at any of these stages or complete loss as a worst case scenario. Hopefully it will remain as a single eye phenomenon.

My inspiration for this new series is prompted by the work of Italian artist Robert Bosisio. I am using photographic methods to achieve a similar effect but for different expressive outcomes. I am using the new Shiftcam system of lenses for the iPhone for this creative exercise.

The images below are re-purposed or re-photographed images from my originals or from screen shots from computer monitors or TV screens. I am finding new ways to edit or manipulate etc., as I go along this journey.

Sometimes, I have a central white area with a gold halo and parts of the image showing.

At other times, I have just blurry images or images that are interrupted by a greyed out mesh with segments of the image passing through; I am yet to explore this as a visual representation.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

World of Woodturners Swap

Pleased to have a swap piece from Canadian turner Herman de Vries.  Small, wormy apple, hollow form. Fits nicely into my appreciation of wabi sabi. This is the third time I have participated in the swap.

My return swap was a part turned, part CNC bowl form finished with patinated, iron reactive paint,

I enjoy the swap process where the surprise factor combined with an exchange of work with turners from outside the UK provides the opportunity to see and feel items that, ordinarily, I would not have access to.

Herman founded WOW and his website can be found here:

Monday, 1 November 2021

New piece

Part turned, part CNC. Metal reactive paints, patinated. 80mm dia.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Updated Website

Just finished updating my website. New look, new content and some old stuff presented differently. Same link

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Vivid Dreams

 Parkinson's Art UK are currently having an exhibition at OXO Gallery in London. 

There is a virtual Gallery gallery accessible via the link below:

I was happy to be invited to participate and below is my piece in the exhibition. It is one in a series of images I have been working on that investigate my emotional responses to my diagnosis and help me come to terms with a new reality.

Further examples can be found here:

Monday, 16 August 2021


Just finished this piece which is part turned, part CNC and hand finished. Various reactive paints applied followed by spray, brush and fumed patination, Fixative spray and polish. Approx. 98mmx 30mm.

Beginning patination

After fuming

Finished piece

Friday, 6 August 2021

Portrait bowl

 Final finish on my portrait bowl. Brush and spray patination over metal reactive paint.

3D scanned head on a 3D texture created in Groboto v3 and joined in ZBrush.

Four different patination fluids used and applied with spray, brush and sponge. Fixative spray and light waxing. Centre finished with light application of black patination polish.


Refinished bowl form. 105mm dia. Part turned, part CNC, part hand carved and textured,

Created in Groboto V3, finished with iron reactive paint and patinated with spray, brush and sponge,


Saturday, 31 July 2021

Anguish Bowl Form

This is the finished version of a piece shown in an earlier post

Small bowl form (65mm x 65mm x 30mm) part turned, part CNC, finished with patinated iron reactive paint.

Part of my selfie mask series, 3D scan of my head combined with 3D texture from a fractal created in Frax on my IPad. Finished 3D combined in ZBrush. CNC produced using Vectric VCarve Desktop.


Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Vivid Dreams at the Oxo Gallery

Here is my picture in the Vivid Dreams Exhibition at the Oxo Gallery and in the Virtual Exhibition from August 18th through to the 30th in London. Links and information on both shows can be found below.

Exhibition Details etc

Virtual Exhibition

This image is one of my MRI scans from Parkinson's investigations a couple of years back, creatively altered with a number of software programmes and printed onto fine art paper using the Giclée process.

I am currently awaiting my bone scans taken to see whether my prostrate cancer had migrated which fortunately, has not. These whole skeleton scans will provide another series of interesting images, I hope.

I have produced a pdf book of some of the imagery I have produced thus far and may put this online later.

Friday, 16 April 2021


 Found these cones I’ve not come across before. Look like petrified rose flowers.

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Work in progress

These last pieces can be viewed as interim works in a transition to more complex ones to come. This one is part turned, part CNC and part carved. Still working on this.

Mini piece

 Semi finished 64mm (2.5") square, part of masking series. Using same 3D scan as shown earlier in Blog combined with texture taken from a fractal image converted to 3D mesh.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

New stuff

Couple of new bowl forms, same 3D scan used,

Friday, 22 January 2021